The Environmental Impact of ZipLoc Bags
Plastic storage bags, often referred to by well known brand name, ZipLoc, are a staple in in nearly every household. In fact, most estimates show that the average American family uses 500 ZipLoc bags every year. Read more →
How to Make A Beeswax Wrap
What You'll Need: Cotton fabric - I used leftover quilting fabric. Scissors Beeswax Pellets or shavings Olive oil Iron Parchment paper Read more →
10 Low-Waste Baking Tips
This week, I focused on the environmental impact of common baking materials so I can start being more sustainable in the kitchen. There are so many small changes that can both save money and cut back on landfill bound waste. These tips are helpful waste shrinkers for all levels, even if you're new to the baking scene. Read more →
The Environmental Impact of Common Baking Materials
Most weeks of my Tiny Waste Resolution have had a pretty narrow focus. This week, however, I decided to go a little broader and cover all the common baking materials in one go, since I don't use any of these materials on a daily basis and they don't need require regular replacing. So, the goal here was to cover everything that comes up while baking, and slowly shift towards their sustainable alternatives. Read more →
Letter Asking for Low-Waste Coffee Packaging
This week, I learned about the environmental impact of my caffeine habit as well as ways to reduce my waste. While my home brew routine is now waste-free, I know that there is still plenty of plastic coffee and tea packaging that ends up in landfills. So, this week I'm writing to coffee and tea brand, Keuring, and asking them to find a more sustainable way to package their extremely popular single-serve pods. Read more →